Saturday, February 13, 2016

Review questions Spring 5776 2016 Law and Ethics

Review questions Spring 5776 2016
Contemporary Halacha
1.      Describe the underlying philosophy of theology of the “Right to Life” movement?
2.     Describe the underlying philosophy of theology of the “Pro Choice” movement?
3.     Is Judaism inherently closer to the “Right to Life” movement or the “Pro Choice” movement?
4.     Why is Abortion complicated in Jewish Law?
5.     In what case (or cases) did the Mishna discuss abortion?
6.     How did the Talmud use the question of a newborn in the discussion of a Rodef? How did the Rambam  apply this discussion?
7.     From the discussion in the Mishna can we discern at which point life begins? (Rashi)
8.     What did the Havat Yair say regarding a possible prohibition of abortion? Who disagreed with him?
9.     What did Rabbi Yakov Emden suggest could be a possible source for allowing abortions? Who disagreed? What would be the reason for the disagreement? Do you think Rabbi Yakov Emden’s argument is sound?
10.  How did the Rambam interpret the Mishna? What did he add? (Regarding abortion)
11.   Did the Rambam think abortion is murder? Or “like” murder? Would it make a difference? What did Rav Unterman say?
12.  Can an inanimate object be a rodef? Like a rodef? Explain
13.  What did the Mishna say about a pregnant woman who is to be put to death? What did the Gemara add?
14.  What was the case of the Maharit regarding  abortion?
15.  What was the question posed to the Ben Ish Hai (Kinyan Torah) regarding abortion? What was strange about his answer? Was there a possible “meta halakhic” consideration?
16.  What question was posed to Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach regarding abortion? What did he answer? What was surprising about his (second) answer?
17.   Describe the case of the conjoined twins. What was the complication? What were the possible solutions? Is this a legal moral or religious issue? explain
18.  What was Rav Moshe Feinstein’s solution in the case of the conjoined twins? What was it based on?
19.  What is the irony of Rav Moshe Feinstein’s solution in the case of the conjoined twins?
20. Is the attitude of Judaism toward Amalek an example of racism? Explain
21.  Can a member of Amalek convert? Bring proof
22. Can a member of Amalek become a “Noahide”? Bring proof
23. What does the Rambam say about the “7 nations”? What is his source?
24. What was strange about the comparison of the Rambam’s treatment of the “7 nations” versus his treatment of Amalek? What does Rav Chaim conclude from this?
25. What complication does the Talmud add to the biography of Esther?
26. What was the case of the Shvut Yakov?
27.  What was the case of the Maharik?
28. What was the argument of the Maharik? How did the Shvut Yakov use this argument?
29. What was the objection of the Noda Beyehuda regarding the case of the Shvut Yakov? What mitigating arguments does the Noda Beyhuda muster to defend Esther?
30. What was the question posed to the Binyan Zion? (Rabbi Etlinger) What was the answer that he wished to give? Which condition did he attach to his answer? Was this case the same of different from Esther? explain

31.  What is a “legal fiction”? Give an example in secular (American/Canadian) Law.
32. Is selling the Land of Israel during the sabbatical year a “legal fiction”?
33. What factors would contribute toward a lenient perspective regarding selling the Land of Israel during the sabbatical year?
34. Does “Pruzbol” contravene a Torah law or rabbinc law? Explain
35. Does “Pruzbol” support a Torah law or rabbinc law? Explain
36. Is the “Otzar Beit Din” supported by Talmudic literature? Explain
37.  How was the “Otzar Beit Din” described in antiquity?
38. How was the “Otzar Beit Din” arranged in modern times?
39. Is selling Chametz a “legal fiction”?
40. What is the first source that mentions selling chametz? Does it say it can be repurchased?
41.  How does the sale of Chametz work according to Rav Moshe Feinstein?
42. How does the sale of Chametz work according to the Noda Beyehuda?
43. In which case would Rav Moshe Feinstein be strict with regards to the sale of chametz? Lenient?
44. In which case would the Noda Beyehuda be strict with regards to the sale of chametz? Lenient?
45. What is an onan?
46. What is an avel?
47. Jewish law discusses haircuts for mourners – does it discuss shaving? Explain?
48. Jewish Law discusses bathing for mourners – does it discuss showers? Explain?
49. Is the International Date Line a “real thing”? explain
50. Does the Torah/Halacha recognize the International Date Line”? explain
51.  How was the date line a factor for Jews in World War 2?
52. What is the fundamental obligations in terms of honoring parents?
53. What are fundamental issues in terms of “fearing” parents?
54. Why did Rav Assi leave his mother? How did the Rambam use the story? What qualifications did the Rambam add?
55. If a parent is abusive due they forfeit the privileges of being a parent? Is there a universal answer to this question? Explain.
56. Can one invites someone to come over Friday night if they will drive?
57.  What is the case of the daughter who was kidnapped? What did the Rama rule? How is this applicable to inviting people who may drive on Shabbat?
58. What are the 2 types of “placing a stumbling block before the blind?
59. What did Rav Moshe Feinstein rule about encouraging people who may drive to shul on Shabbat?

60. What did Rav Moshe Sternbuch rule about encouraging people who may drive on Shabbat?

Review questions Spring 5776 2016 World of the Sages

Review questions Spring 5776 2016

1.      According to Rashi what intrigue is contained in the book of shmot?
2.     Does Rashi believe in “chronological integrity”?
3.     Does Ramban believe in “chronological integrity”?
4.     Bring 3 examples where Rashi claims stories did not take place in the order they were told?
5.     Why would the story of the Golden Calf be told out of sequence?
6.     According to Rashi what was the content of the “Book of the Covenant” (Shmot 24:7)?
7.     According to Ramban what was the content of the “Book of the Covenant” (Shmot 24:7)?
8.     According to Hizkuni what was the content of the “Book of the Covenant” (Shmot 24:7)?
9.     What was strange about the choice of the Keruvim (Cherubs)?
10.  Who saw the Keruvim (Cherubs) as something sordid?
11.   Where is the first time in the Torah we find the Keruvim (Cherubs) how could this possibly relate to the Mishkan?
12.  Parashat Tetzaveh
13.  How is the commandment to light the candles in the Mishkan related to the burning bush and the western wall?
14.  In what way is the is the incense related to the sin in Eden?
15.  How is clothing related to sin?
16.  In which narrative in the Torah is beged found?
17.   In which narrative in the Torah is ktonet found? 2 examples
18.  In what way is the clothing of the kohen related to sin? In terms of language? In terms of construction?
19.  According to the midrash what was the origin of the prohibition of shatnez?
20. What is the verse which follows “love your neighbor as yourself “? Why?
21.  What type of offering did Kayin bring? What is the significance?
22. What type of offering did Hevel bring? What is the significance?
23. Ki-Tisa
24. What was Aharon’s strategy in terms of the people who wanted him to “make a god”? Which tactics did he use? (two examples)
25. Who did Moshe leave in charge when he ascended the mountain to receive the Torah?
26. Which four people are singled out when Moshe ascended the mountain to receive the Torah? What did each of these people represent?
27.  What happened to Hur? How did this impact Aharon?
28. Who was Hur’s grandson? Why is he significant as a prototype?
29. What did the people get right and what did they “get wrong” on the day they worshipped the Golden Calf?
30. In what way is the sin of the Golden Calf related to the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?
31.  In what way is the sin of the Golden Calf related to the Red Heifer?
32. What lesson did Eliyahu teach Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai? Where was he standing? Why is this place significant?
Vayakhel –
33. When Moshe finally speaks with people what law does he start with? Why
34. Give 3 explanations.
35. According to the midrash what question does Moshe pose to God when he was instructed to build the mishkan? What is the answer?
36. Why are the laws of Shabbat derived from the Mishkan? What is the intrinsic relationship?
37.  What is the paradoxical nature of creation when one takes into account an infinite creator? What is the resolution?
38. Which day and which time was the universe created? What was the moment before creation?
39. Describe the inverse relationship between God and Man and how this gives insight on Shabbat.
40. Which two of the 39 categories of work on Shabbat are “outliers”?
41.  In what way is carrying on Shabbat an inferior action?
42. How are the two of the 39 categories of work on Shabbat which are “outliers” related to the Ten Commandments?
43. According to the Ramban what is the significance of the end of the book of Shmot? Which previous event shares linguistic similarities?
44. How does the Mishkan connect to the tent of Sarah?
45. What is the significance of the first day of the first month year one? Year two? What is the connection – other than the date?
46. What is the root of the Hebrew word “mitzvah”? What did the Shlah Hakadosh suggest was the real meaning?
47. In what way were the Jews “naked” in Egypt? How did God clothe them?
48. Is the end of Shmot a happy ending according to Rashi? Explain.
49. Had there never been a Golden Calf how would the book of Shmot ended according to our understanding of Rashi?
Parashat Zachor
50. Describe the two sections in the Torah which deal with Amalek
51.  What is the word whose meaning is unclear in Shmot regarding the battle which Amalek? What is the significance of this word?
52. Why does Amalek attack the Jews when they do and not many years before?
53. Why did Esav have no moral argument against Yakov in the sale of the birthright? What negative lesson could nonetheless have been learned?
54. What phrase was unclear in Parshat Zachor (in Dvarim)?
55. What section precedes the section of the battle with Amalek? How is that significant? (Shmot)
56. What section precedes the Parshat Zachor (in Dvarim)? How is that significant?
57.  What happened on the Eighth Day?
58. What makes the Eighth Day unusual in the book of Vayikra?
59. What makes the Eighth Day unique in the book of Vayikra?
60. What offering did Aharon bring on the Eighth day as a sin offering? Why
61.  What offering did the community of Israel bring on the Eighth day as a sin offering? Why
62. What offering did Aharon bring on the Eighth day as a burnt offering? Why
63. What did the Akaida (binding) have in common with the Eighth day?
64. Why was it theologically impossible for the initial instruction regarding the Akaida to result in an offering?
65. What was the ultimate lesson we learned from the Akaida process?
66. What happened when Aharon followed all the instructions on the eighth day and blessed the people? Who noticed?
67.  Who was rewarded on the eighth day? Why? How may this have emboldened and encouraged Nadav and Avihu?
68. What did Nadav and Avihu do?
69. Why did Nadav and Avihu specifically bring incense? What sin may they have been trying to repair? Explain
70. Is it possible that Nadav and Avihu saw their action as a success? Explain.
71.   What is the definition of “tumah”?
72.  Which type of tumah is considered most severe?
73.  Why would a woman bring a “sin offering” after giving birth?
74. What did the students ask Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai regarding the new mother? What was his answer?
75.  Why would one consider issues of death after a birth? explain
76.  What was the sin offering of the new mother? What does this teach? Who else brings the same sin offering? What did we learn from this comparison?
77.  What is Shemita?
78.  What is Yovel?
79. On which day was the Shofar blown on the Yoval? Why is this strange?
80. In what sense are Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashana the same?
81.  Why does the Vilna Gaon think the blessing the moon after Rosh Hashanah before Yom Kippur, will help the equation for the previous year?
82. What did the Ramban consider to be one of the great secrets of the Torah?
83. Would scientists’ argument against creationists sway the Ramban? What would the Ramban say?
84. In what way are shemita and yovel connected to creation?
85. What links infidelity and “misappropriations” from the Mishkan?
86. In what way are the second and  seventh commandments related?
87.  In what way did Moshe’s behavior after the Golden Calf relate to sotah?
88. Which linguistic connection is there which links the sin of the  Golden Calf relate and sotah?
89. Where is afar עפר used first in the Torah?

90. How does the commentary of the Targum Yonatan link man’s composition and the Sotah rite?