Class reviews fall 5779
1. What are the 3 ways one can view an Aggada according to the Rambam? Which one is preferable in his mind?
2. What were the major two theological issues touched by the Aggada of Moshe and Akiva? Which was the primary problem, and which was easily “sidestepped”?
3. How are we as the reader more aware of why the death of Akiva is not a theological problem than Moshe?
4. What happened when Moshe entered Akiva’s classroom?
5. Is Theodicy (the idea of questioning "why bad things happen to good people") an essential part of the Aggada of Moshe and Akiva?
6. What are the two paradoxes in the story of Moshe and Akiva?
7. How does Rashi answer the major paradox in the story of Moshe and Akiva?
8. What is the difficulty with Rashi's solution in the story of Moshe and Akiva?
9. How does the Ariza"l (Rabbi Yitzchak Luria) solve the paradox in the story of Moshe and Akiva?
10. What is the significance of the word tel? How does this word solve a major problem?
11. In what way did Moshe and Akiva learned Torah differently?
12. What does Rebbe Nachman think about silence?
13. According to Rashi – what was God’s original thought?
14. In what way did Akiva complete Moshe?
15. How do both Moshe and Akiva relate to water and rocks?
16. What is the difficulty in the phrase “these and these are the words of the living God”?
17. in the phrase “these and these are the words of the living God”? – what shouldthe word “living” modify?
18. On a Torah level – how should arguments be resolved?
19. Why couldn’t the schools of Hillel and Shammai simply follow the majority?
20. How long did the Schools of Shammai and Hillel argue?
21. Who believed in the idea of “these and these are the words of the living God”?
22. When and where did the voice come out of heaven saying, “these and these are the words of the living God”?
23. Why was the law established like the school of Hillel?
24. In what way did the school of Hillel identify more with the concept of “elu v’ elu”?
25. According to the pronouncement “these and these are the words of the living God” – are all opinions equally valid? Are there limitations?
26. What does the Jerusalem Talmud say of the student who proved a “sheretz” was pure?
27. Is the question “What is Chanukah” an innocent question?
28. Give three reasons why the Rabbis “downplayed” the military victory.
29. How did the Rambam portray the Maccabees?
30. Does the Rambam share the Talmud’s reticence of celebrating the military victory? How do you know?
31. How did the Ramban portray the Maccabees?
32. It what way does the Rambam see Chanukah as a secular holiday?
33. Why is the holiday called “Chanukah”?
34. What was lacking/missing at the completion of the Second Temple?
35. How is Chanukah a completion of the Second Temple?
36. What was the context in the Talmud, of the story of the "Oven of Achnai"?
37. What did Rabbi Eliezer and the rabbis argue about?
38. Who were the other protagonists who argued with Rabbi Eliezer?
39. Who told Rabbi Eliezer he was banished?
40. What did Rabbi Eliezer do when the other rabbis didn’t accept his arguments?
41. What did the voice from heaven say in support of Rabbi Eliezer?
42. How did the rabbis respond to the voice from heaven which expressed support of Rabbi Eliezer?
43. Why would Rabbi Eliezer not give in to the majority?
44. Who was correct = Rabbi Eliezer or the rabbis?
45. In what way did the stories of Rabbi Eliezer’s early life foreshadow later events in his life?
46. What did Rabbi Eliezer’s brothers want?
47. What would Rabbi Eliezer’s wife not allow him to do?
48. How old was Rabbi Eliezer when he started to learn?
49. What did his father say to him, when Eliezer told him that he wanted to study Torah?
50. What did Raban Yochanan ben Zakkai say to him when Eliezer told him, that he wanted to study Torah?
51. Who appeared to Rabbi Eliezer and advised him to go to Jerusalem?
52. Who came to visit Rabbi Eliezer on the day he died? Why?
53. What did Rabbi Eliezer say to his visitors on the day he died?
54. Where did we see foreshadowing of Rabbi Akiva’s death?
55. What was the last word Rabbi Eliezer said?
56. How could the rabbis ignore the voice from heaven according to – the Vilna Gaon? The Sefer Hachunuch? Tosfot? Rabbenu Nissim? Drashot Haran?
Parasha – World of the Sages
1. When is the first time God spoke to Avraham? Why is this complicated?
2. What is the significance of the following numbers? 3, 40, 48, 52, 70, 75?
3. What is the difference between the way which Avraham addresses the male versus the female client? What does this indicate?
4. In what way did the midrash “foreshadow” the binding of Isaac in terms of the relationship between Avraham and his father?
5. What was the dialogue between Avraham and Nimrod?
6. Which two biblical statements give us some insight into the personality of Terach?
7. Did Terach respect his father? How do you know?
8. Did God ever say to Avrahom to kill Yitzchak?
9. What is the literal definition of the word olah?
10. What was our conclusion regarding the reason God told Avraham to put Yitzchok on the altar?
11. In what way was AviMelech moral?
12. In what way does Avraham chastise Avimelech?
13. The binding of Yitzchak is introduced as “after these things” – which things?
14. In what way did the midrash "foreshadow" the binding of Isaac in terms of the relationship between Avraham and his father?
15. How could the treatment of Yishmael be an introduction and perhaps justification of the akaida?
16. Were Avraham and Sarah spiritual equals?
17. Who thought that Sarah was inferior to Avraham?
18. Who was Hagar? Why was she chosen?
19. What was possibly counter intuitive in the selection of Hagar?
20. What was the source of Hagar’s claim to her own greatness?
21. How old was Sarah when she died?
22. What was the significance behind the manner which the Torah delineated Sarah’s age?
23. Which "inside information did Rivka have?
24. With whom can we assume Rivkah shared her "inside information"?
25. Did Yitzchak love Esav unconditionally?
26. What was Yitzchak's dream for Yakov and Esav?
27. When was it apparent to Yakov that his mother was correct?
28. Could Yakov have been telling the truth when he said "I am Esav your firstborn"?
29. When Yitzchak said "the voice is the voice of Yakov and the hands are the hands of Esav" did he end the sentence with an exclamation point or a question mark?
30. Who was Yakov scared of when he took the blessings?
31. Did Yakov succeed in receiving the blessings he stole? How do you now?
32. Which blessing did Yitzchak give to Yaakov when he knew it was Yaakov?
33. Did Yitzchak imagine that Esav would be his spiritual heir?
34. What do we know about the spiritual inner world of Yakov?
35. How does Yakov’s “well scene” compare to the one of “Eliezer”?
36. What should Yakov have felt after Leah switched places with Rachel?
37. Which scene did the mandrake sale echo?
38. How could one compare the Yakov/Esav relationship with Cain and Able?
39. In what way is the word sulam unique?
40. What is the major theme throughout the book of Bereishit?
41. When God speaks to Yakov at the ladder – what does He leave out?
42. In what way is the Leah impersonating Rachel familiar territory for Yakov?
43. How is the theme of the favored and less favored son, reflected in Parashat Vayetze?
44. Where is the scene of the sale of the birthright echoed in Parashat Vayetze?
45. How did we see that the ultimate core of the argument between Yakov and Esav was who would become the kohen?
46. How does the ladder of Jacob relate to his struggle with the anonymous man?
47. With whom did Yakov struggle?
48. In what way was Yakov like Esav?
49. How is Yakov hurting his leg a resolution?
50. Why does Esav not actually harm Yakov?
51. Where does Yakov go after the rendezvous with Esav?
52. What was the date on the calendar of the meeting of Yakov and Esav?
53. What does it mean that Yakov wished to live in tranquility?
54. Why were the brothers jealous of Yosef?
55. Why did the brothers hate Yosef?
56. Why did the brothers wish to kill Yosef
57. What gave Yehudah the idea to sell Yosef?
58. Which “sign” did Yehudah (think he) understood? Which sign did he miss?
59. What would we have expected Yehudah to do when he lost his first son? Second son?
60. How was Yehuda inconsiderate of Tamar?
61. How is the section of Tamar and Yehudah thematically related to the story of the sale of Yosef?
62. What does the Midrash say that God was doing during the sale of Yosef?
63. Why should the messiah come from Yehudah and not Yosef?
64. Why did Yosef never contact his father about his disappearance? How did Yoel BiN Nun answer this question? Ramban?
65. Did the arrival of his brother’s surprise Yosef?
66. At which point did Yosef realize his brothers were going to come?
67. Why did Yosef accuse his brothers of being spies? What did he want them to answer?
68. What was the first question Yosef asked his brothers when he saw them after all those years? What was the answer? Why was the answer a bad answer?
69. Did Yosef (in the role of Egyptian leader) mention Yosef when talking to his brothers? If yes what did he say about him?
70. Why did Yosef put the brother’s money back in their bags?
71. What did the head of Yosef’s household say to the brother’s when they came to return the money?
72. What was strange about the initial response of the brothers when they were accused of stealing the goblet/chalice?
73. Which traumatic event from their childhood was Yosef trying conjure up, when he accused them of stealing the goblet? What would have been their “easy response”?
74. What does Yosef say when he finally reveals himself? In what way was this a “rebuke”?
75. After Yosef reveals himself, does he treat his brothers as equals?
76. How did his brother’s respond to Yosef when Yakov died?
77. At which point does Yosef (finally) express need for his brothers?
78. Does Bereishit end on a “happy” note?
79. In what way did the Jews keep their identity in Egypt?
80. In what ways did the Jews reject their Judaism in Egypt?
81. What does Miriam do which is different from all the characters in Bereishit?
82. According to the midrash – why were the Jews in Egypt saved?
83. Which siblings in the book of Shmot display sibling responsibility?
84. What did we suggest was the content of the lessons which Moshe’s mother gave him?
85. Which previous character in Bereishit is thematically related to Bitya -daughter of Pharaoh?
86. What is strange about Bitya naming Moshe – “Moshe”?
87. How did Bitya try to help Moshe by naming him – “Moshe”?
88. When Moshe killed the Egyptian – which previous biblical scene was being partially replayed?
89. What did Moshe seek when he left the palace?
90. Which three things did the Jews retain in Egypt?
91. Why was Moshe chosen as “savior” given his deficiencies?
92. What was the significance of the “hardening of Pharaoh’s” heart, according to the Rambam?
93. What was the significance of the “hardening of Pharaoh’s” heart, according to the Seforno?
94. What was the symbolism of the staff of Moshe?
95. What was the symbolism of the serpent?
96. In what was does the serpent represent devolution?
97. How is devolution related to Pharaoh?
98. What is strange about the Jews eating Matzah before they left Egypt?
99. What was the cause of Akiva’s happiness in the face of destruction?
100. In what way did the Jews celebrate before they even left Egypt?
101. When did Pharaoh tell the Jews they could leave? Did they leave then? Why?
102. When did the Jews actually leave Egypt?
Contemporary Halacha – Law and Ethics
1. What was the case of “Buck versus Bell”?
2. Was it in fact surprising to find writings of Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. in the Nuremberg collection?
3. Why was Kellog’s cornflakes originally developed?
4. What is the classical discussion of limited resources and life and death consequences?
5. What was the case with 2 people in the desert?
6. How many solutions are there to the dilemma of 2 people in the desert?
7. Which verse did Rabbi Akiva use to understand how to resolve the dilemma of 2 people in the desert?
8. Which verse did Ben Petura use to understand how to resolve the dilemma of 2 people in the desert?
9. How did Rabbi Akiva resolve the dilemma of 2 people in the desert?
10. How did Ben Petura resolve the dilemma of 2 people in the desert?
11. How did Elie Wiesel explain the verse “You brother shall live with you”?
12. What was the case which brought the response “who says your blood is redder”?
13. What would Rabbi Akiva say if someone said, “kill him or I will kill you”?
14. What was the “logical conclusion” which according to Tosfot was the overriding principle that passivity absolves guilt?
15. According to Tosfot what was the overriding principle when dealing with the case of 2 people in desert, and someone who said “kill him or I will kill you”?
16. What was the case of the large person being pushed? What was the debate regarding this case?
17. What was the claim of Rav Chaim, when he accused Tosafot of reaching an “illogical conclusion”?
18. How would a Shabbat elevator work, taking into consideration the rationale of Tosfot?
19. How would a Shabbat elevator work, taking into consideration the rationale of Rav Chaim?
20. Is it a simple thing to translate laws of damages or murder to Shabbat? Why?
21. Which case of two people in the desert brought the principle of passivity into question?
22. Should a business model be used for medical ethical questions? Who suggested we should?
23. What is triage?
24. Is triage supported by halacha?
25. In which case did Rav Moshe Feinstein say "flip a coin"?
26. In which case did Rav Moshe Feinstein say "first come first served "?
27. In which case did Rav Shlom Zalman Auerbach say "I don’t know"?
28. Who said Jewish law has a solution to every problem?
29. What was the case of the two towns?
30. Can my laundry be more important than someone else’s life?
31. Does Rabbi Yossi agree with Rabbi Akiva or Ben Petura?
32. How does Rabbi Yossi shed light on the opinion of Ben Petura?
33. Is brain death a Jewish concept?
34. What the case which served as precedent for donating a body part of organ after death?
35. What was the hesitation of the Noda Beyehudah regarding autopsies?
36. How did Rav Ovadya Yosef extend the ruling of the Noda Beyehudah?
37. What is the complexity with brain death (based on the article)
38. What was the medieval source we used for the permissibility to donate a kidney?
39. What did the Radvaz say about the permissibility of placing oneself in danger to save someone else? When is it considered righteous? Foolish?
40. Where is the proper place to light Chanukah candles? According to Rashi? Tosafot?
41. According to the Talmud, under which circumstances can one light Chanukah candles in the window?
42. If one lives in an apartment building – where should they light Chanukah candles? According to the Chazon Ish? Rav Moshe Feinstein? The Brisker Rov?
43. According to the Talmud where should they light Chanukah candles in a time of danger?
44. How does a “time of danger” impact current practice?
45. What types of dangers did Jews face historically during Chanukah?
46. Does a father have any “rights” in determining the fate of a fetus?
47. Does the Mishna or Talmud discuss the permissibility of an abortion due to pure choice?
48. What is the case where the Mishna allows an abortion?
49. What about the language of the Mishna may indicate that a fetus is not a full nefesh?
50. Does the Gemara call a fetus a “rodef”?
51. When discussing if a minor can be considered a Rodef – what does the Talmud conclude?
52. When killing a rodef what does the “good Samaritan” function as?
53. What leap did the Rambam take when discussing abortion? What are the implications of this leap?
54. Can something be “like murder”?
55. How was the Ben Ish Chai “coy” when asked about abortion? What did he apparently believe?
56. Do all orthodox rabbis believe abortion is murder?
57. What did the Chavat Yair liken abortion to?
58. Which case did Rav Yakov Emden think was instructive in allowing abortions?
59. What was the source of the Maharit when considering the permissibility of abortion? (in a non – life and death scenario)
60. Does Judaism speak with one unified voice in regard to abortions in non-life threatening contexts?
61. What was counter intuitive in the story we saw with Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach (regarding abortion)?
62. What did Rav Moshe Feinstein rule in regard to the woman pregnant with a tay sachs baby?
63. What is the trolley dilemma?
64. Who was Sheva ben Bichri?
65. What was the moral dilemma posed in the Mishna regarding women? What was the resolution?
66. What was the moral dilemma posed in the Tosefta/Yerushalmi (regarding the town)? What was the resolution?
67. How does the moral dilemma posed in the Tosefta/Yerushalmi inform or impact the trolley dilemma?
68. What was the proposed solution of the Chazon Ish in his “trolley dilemma”?
69. Why did the courts allow the separation of conjoined twins?
70. What was the decision of Rav Moshe Feinstein in the case of the conjoined twins? What was this based on?
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