Monday, November 11, 2019

Review Questions Fall 5780

Review Questions 5780
1.     How did Bob Dylan's visual art change before 1975 and after, how did this impact his lyrics? Why is this important for the study of Aggada?
2.     Why did Moshe not understand Rebbi Akiva's class? (according to our conclusion)
3.     What happened when Moshe entered Rabbi Akiva’s classroom?
4.     What were the three approaches the Rambam mentioned to Aggada texts? Which did he prefer?
5.     Which two theological questions were raised by the passage of Rabbi Akiva and Moshe?
6.     Which line from the passage of Rabbi Akiva and Moshe was left out of the advertisement which mentioned the story?
7.     In the passage of Rabbi Akiva and Moshe how did Rashi solve a theological problem? What is the possible weakness in his approach?
8.     In the passage of Rabbi Akiva and Moshe how did Rabbi Yitzchak Luria (Ari'Zal) solve the theological problem?
9.     In the final analysis, did the passage of Rabbi Akiva and Moshe deal with the question of "why bad things happen to good people"?
10.  In what way did Rabbi Akiva continue the life of Moshe?
11.  What was God's "first thought"? (according to Rashi)
12.  How were both Rabbi Akiva and Moshe treated?
13.  What does the word tel mean? Why is it significant in understanding the passage?
14.  Which text did we see which seems to support a postmodern argument?
15.  How did Tosfot cited by the Ritva understand “Elu v’Elu divrie Elokim Haim”?
16.  How did Rabbenu Yechiel understand “Elu v’Elu divrie Elokim Haim”?
17.  How did the rabbis respond to the voice from heaven which expressed support of Rabbi Eliezer?

18.  How did Rabbenu Peretz understand “Elu v’Elu divrie Elokim Haim”?
19.  What was our conclusion regarding the modifier and the referent in the phrase “Elu v’Elu divrie Elokim Haim”?
20.  What two things did the Talmud Yerushami say about the student who could argue a hundred ways that a “sheretz” is pure? (someone who allowed something which isn’t allowed)
21.  Is the concept of “Elu v’Elu divrie Elokim Haim” supported by Biblical law?
22.  What does the Torah say to do in cases of disagreement?
23.  What was the dual role of the Sanhedrin?
24.  Where did the bat kol say “Elu v’Elu divrie Elokim Haim”?
25.  What is the significance to the Bat Kol and Yavne?
26.  Why couldn’t the argument between the schools of Hillel and Shamai be resolved in the “old fashioned” way?
27.  Why was the law established like the school of Hillel?
28.  In what way did the school of Hillel identify more with the concept of “elu v’ elu”?
29.  What question does the Talmud ask about Chanuka?
30.  What is the context in the Gemara when it asks “what is Chanukah?”?
31.  What is the primary focus of the Gemara’s answer when it asks “what is Chanukah?”?
32.  Why would the Talmud not wish to emphasize the military victory? 3 answers
33.  What deficiency does the Ramban identify with the Maccabees?
34.  What does the Rambam think is a great outcome of the Chanukah story? In what way does he see it as a “secular holiday?
35.  In a retrospective biblical perspective – what is the significance of the “miracle of lights”?
36.  Which statement about Chanuka was most repeated in Rabbinic literature?
37.  What does a “horn of an ox” represent?
38.  What does a horn have to do with Tefilin?
39.  What was Noah’s blessing for Shem and Yefet?
40.  What was the dispute regarding the Oven of Achnai?
41.  What was the context in terms of the Mishna/Talmud regarding the Oven of Achnai?
42.  In the Oven of Achnai did Rabbi Eliezer have the ability to defend his position?
43.  What did Rabbi Eliezer do when the rabbis would not engage him in dialogue?

44.  Who were the other protagonists who argued with Rabbi Eliezer?

45.  In the Oven of Achnai why did Rabbi Eliezer resort to the performance of miracles?
46.  Who told Rabbi Eliezer he was banished?

47.  Which prayer would Rabbi Eliezer's wife (Ema Shalom) not allow him to say?
48.  What happened when Rabbi Eliezer prayed?
49.  What is the symbol of a tree being ripped from the ground?
50.  What is the symbol of a stream flowing backward?
51.  What is the symbol of the walls of the Beit Midrash collapsing?
52.  How did Rabban Gamliel defend himself when he was in a sinking boat?
53.  Why did Rabbi Eliezer think he was correct?
54.  Why did the rabbis who argued with Rabbi Eliezer think that they were correct?
55.  How did Rabbi Eliezer’s youth shed light on his later life?
56.  To what did Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai compare Rabbi Eliezer?
57.  How is the death of Rabbi Akiva related to the story of the banishment of his teacher?
58.  How is the death of Rabbi Akiva visually foreshadowed at the funeral of his teacher?
59.  Why did the rabbis think that they could ignore the voice from heaven? According to The Sefer Hachinuch? According to the Vilna Gaon? Rav Nissim Gaon?

World of the Sages
1.     Why did the people build the tower in a valley and not on a mountain?
2.     What is meant when the people who built the tower said “make for us a shem”?
3.     Why did the people who built the tower detest Avraham?
4.     Does the Torah describe the sin of the building of the Tower?
5.     What inspired Avraham to start looking back where things came from?
6.     In what way does Terach teach Avraham?
7.     In what way did Avraham go further than his father?
8.     What was the substance of the “debate” which Avraham had with the man who came into the idol shop?
9.     What was the substance of the “debate” which Avraham had with the woman who came into the idol shop?
10.  What was the substance of the “debate” which Avraham had with his father? 
11.  What was the substance of the “debate” which Avraham had with Nimrod?
12.  In what way does the work of Victor Frankel compound the test of the Akaida?
13.  What does the Rashbam say was the event which led to the Akaida? How is this a “Zionist” introduction?
14.  What do we see in the dialogue between Avraham and Avimelech?
15.  How does the dialogue with Avimelech shed light on the Akaida?
16.  What was the ultimate reason God told Avraham to place Yitzchak on the altar (according to our conclusion)?
17.  Who thought that both Avraham and Sara were equals (more or less)?
18.  Who thought that Avraham was the central character, and Sara was merely in a supporting role?
19.  Who was Hagar according to the Midrash? Targum Yonatan?
20.  In what ways did we see Avraham’s sojourn to Egypt was a prototype for the Egyptian exile and redemption?
21.  Was the choosing of Hagar a brave choice? Why was she chosen?
22.  Did Esav treat both parents equally?
23.  What was Yitzchak’s dream for Yakov and Esav?
24.  Which biblical character reminds us of Esav? 
25.  Which Blessing did Yitzchak wish to give to Esav?
26.  Which Blessing did Yitzchak wish to give to Yakov? (did he give to Yakov – when he knew it was Yakov)
27.  Which Blessing did Yitzchak give to Esav? Did he see Esav as his spiritual heir? How do we know?
28.  When God blessed Yakov – which blessing was missing?
29.  What evidence is there that Esav was superficial?
30.  When did Yakov realize that his mother was right and that Esav was a failure?
31.  Which secret did Rivka apparently keep from her husband?
32.  What did Yitzchak wish to accomplish when he asked Esav to bring him food?
33.  What reason does the Torah give for the love of Rivka toward Yakov?
34.  What reason does the Torah give for the love of Yitzchak toward Esav? Was it conditional or unconditional?
35.  When Yitzchak said "the voice is the of Yaakov, and the hands are the hands of Esav", did the sentence end with a "question mark" or an exclamation point?!
36.  What was Yakov told by his father would be the relationship between him and Esav (at least according to the Sfat Emet?)
37.  What complicated the relationship between Rivka and her children?
38.  Which instruction did to Yaakov did both of his parents agree upon?
39.  What is the background of the Yakov/Yosef story/selection?
40.  Does the Torah actually say that Yakov loved Yosef the most of all his sons?
41.  Who originally suggest to kill Yosef?
42.  How did Reuven save Yosef from death?
43.  What sign did Yehuda think he received which caused him to suggest the sale of Yosef?
44.  What sign did Yehudah ignore?
45.  What was the underlying nature of the competition between Yosef and Yehudah?
46.  How is the Yehuda story thematically related to the Sale of Yosef?
47.  Which terms did Tamar use in chapter 38 which were reminiscent of chapter 37?
48.  When does Yehuda self-centeredness end?
49.  What episode in the life of Yosef in chapter 39 was in stark contrast to the behavior of Yehuda in chapter 38?
50.  What does the midrash say was created by God around the same time as the sale of Yosef?
51.  According to Rabbi Yoel Bin Nun, why didn’t Yosef inform his father of his fate? 
52.  When Yosef sees his brothers after many years –what does he accuse them of? Why?
53.  When Yosef sees his brothers after many years – what does he want them to say?
54.  Why does Yosef arrest his brothers?
55.  What did Yosef put in his brother’s bag the first time? The second time? Why?
56.  Why does Yosef put his brother's money back in their bags?
57.  Why does Yosef place the chalice in his brother's bag?
58.  What earlier episode in the brother's lives is Yosef trying to replicate? How do we see that Yosef was successful?
59.  Which previous episode do the brothers have in mind when they volunteer that whoever has the cup should die?
60.  What words does Yosef use when he reveals himself to his brothers? How does the Seforno understand those words?
61.  How did Yosef make his dreams come true?
62.  What were the brothers scared of when Yakov died?
63.  In what way did Yosef fail to reconcile with his brothers? Why?
64.  In what way did Bereishit end on a happy note? (What did Yosef do?)

Contemporary Halacha
1.     Is it really surprising to have found documents of Oliver Wendel Holmes Jr in a Nierenberg trial collection?
2.     What was the William Brown?
3.     What was the case of “Buck vs Bell”?
4.     If two people are stranded with limited water which belongs to one of them – how many categories of action are there? (how many solutions to the problem)
5.     If two people are stranded with limited water which belongs to one of them – how would Ben Petura solve the problem?
6.     If two people are stranded with limited water which belongs to one of them – how would Rabbi Akiva solve the problem?
7.     What is the logic of Rabbi Akiva? Which verse did he use as support?
8.     What is the logic of Ben Petura? Which verse did he use as support?
9.     What insight did we see from Eli Wiesel regarding the verse “your brother shall live with you?
10.  What was the context in the Talmud where the response was "who says your blood is redder"?
11.  What would Rabbi Akiva say in the case of "kill him or I will kill you"?
12.  How does Tosafot distinguish between the case in the desert and the case of "kill him or I will kill you"? Which principle or logic does Tosfot use?
13.  How does Rav Chaim distinguish between the case in the desert and the case of "kill him or I will kill you"?
14.  What did Tosafot say to do in the case where one's life is threatened, unless they allow themselves to be pushed on a baby?
15.  What did Rav Chaim say to do in the case where one's life is threatened, unless they allow themselves to be pushed on a baby?
16.  How does the Tosafot – Rav Chaim argument impact Shabbat elevators?
17.  What was the case of the two streams?
18.  What did the Rabbis say should be the rule if there were 2 streams and both needed the water for the same purpose?
19.  What was strange about the ruling of Rabbi Yossi - in the case of the two streams?
20.  In the case of the two streams – according to whom did the Sheiltot rule?
21.  How did the Netziv explain the ruling of the Shelitot?
22.  What became clear about the logic and ruling of Ben Petura when we saw the ruling about the two streams? 
23.  What became clear about the logic and ruling of Rabbi Akiva when we saw the ruling about the two streams? 
24.  In what way is lack of laundry dangerous?
25.  What is Tikkun Olam in the Jewish Tradition? (as seen in the Mishna)
26.  How did Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel suggest we solve moral dilemmas involving limited resources?
27.  Did the original text of the Mishna read “whosever saves one life” or whoever saves a Jewish life”? bring 2 pieces of evidence
28.                 From where did we learn that a community need not spend all of its resources saving lives?
30.  Which rabbi reportedly requested not to be redeemed when he was kidnapped? Why?
31.  What is the Hannibal Directive?
32.  What case indicated that even something of infinite value has a price?
33.  What three places does the Talmud discuss to light Chanukah candles?
34.  According to the Talmud in optimal conditions where should the Chanukah candles be lit? do most people follow the Talmud today?
35.  According to the Talmud under which conditions can the Chanukah candles be lit inside?
36.  What should people who live in an apartment building do regarding lighting Chanukah candles? According to Rav Moshe Feinstein? Chazon Ish? Rabbi Soloveitchik?
37.  Do all types of transplants fundamentally present the same challenge in Jewish law?
38.  What is the precedent in terms of donating an organ from a dead body?
39.  What is the precedent in terms of donating an organ from a live body?
40.  What is the complication of donating a heart?
41.  What was the case which the Recanati presented – how does it impact organ donation?
42.  What was the case of the Noda B’yehuda– how does it impact organ donation?
43.  Can a person ever lose the status of being a Jew?
44.  Can a person ever lose the obligations of being a Jew?
45.  Can a person ever lose the privileges of being a Jew?
46.  When would it be permissible to speak negatively about another Jew?
47.  Is the Jewish (Halacha) approach to abortion uniform?
48.  In what way was the Ben Ish Chai coy when asked about abortion?
49.  What was a lenient consideration of Rabbi Yakov Emden (regarding abortion)?
50.  What was a lenient consideration of the Maharit (regarding abortion)?
51.  What was a lenient consideration of the Chavat Yair (regarding abortion)?

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