Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Jewish Law and Ethics Fall 5776 Review questions

Jewish Law and Ethics Fall 5776 Review questions
1.       If 2 people are in the desert and one has water for only one to survive….what are the 4 possible solutions?
2.       Of the 4 solutions which does the Talmud consider?
3.       Which other solution, not mentioned in the Talmud, is entertained by commentaries?
4.       According to Rabbi Akiva what should the person do with the water? Why?
5.       According to Ben Petura what should the person do with the water? Why?
6.       How did Eli Weisel explain “Your brother shall live with you”?
7.       What was the logic of Ben Petura?
8.       If someone said “kill him or I will kill you” what should you do? What would Rabbi Akiva say?
9.       How is the case someone said “kill him or I will kill you” different from the case of two people in the desert with one cup of water? (Tosfot)
10.   What would be the proper thing if someone said “don’t move” and then tried to push your body onto a helpless baby? What did Tosfot say?
11.   How did R’ Chaim critique the position of Tosafot in the case where someone said “don’t move” and then tried to push your body onto a helpless baby? 
12.   According to R’ Chaim what is the most important factor in the case in the desert?
13.   How did the positions of Tosafot and R Chaim, impact the Shabbat elevator discussion?
14.   How is the case of the two towns with one stream similar and different from the case of the two people in the desert?
15.   What three usages of water did the Talmud consider in the case of the two towns with one stream?
16.   What was the argument between The Chachamim (sages) and Rabbi Yossi (in the case of the two towns with one stream)?
17.   Who ruled like Rabbi Yossi?
18.   In what way does Rabbi Yossi agree with Rabbi Akiva?
19.   How does Rabbi Yossi shed light on the opinion of Rabbi Akiva?
20.   How does Rabbi Yossi shed light on the opinion of Ben Petura?

21.   Which types of body “material” can be donated? List 5 and explain the complexity of each one
22.   What was the teaching of the Noda Beyehuda regarding autopsies? How does it realte to transplants?
23.   How did Rav Ovadya Yosef broaden the teaching of the Noda Beyehuda?
24.   What case does the Recanati bring which is relevant to the organ donor discussion?
25.   How does the position of the Radvaz qualify and limit when organs should be donated
26.   Is it moral to buy or sell organs? explain

Chanuka – law and custom time of danger
27.   Where does the Gemara say is the proper place to light Chanukah candles?
28.   Under which conditions does the Gemara say one can light by the window?
29.   What does the Gemara say should be done in respect to Chanukah candles in a time of danger?
30.   How has the concept of danger changed through out history?
31.   What was the danger in France in the Middle Ages?
32.   Why was Chanukah a particularly dangerous time of year?
33.   What is the debate regarding the lighting in modern Israel? Which group is particularly conservative to do what it says in the shulchan oruch (as opposed to the Talmud)?
Redeeming Captives
34.   How does the Mishna use the term “Tikkun Olam”?
35.   “Saving a life is like saving the entire world”? What did we find complicated about this text?
36.   What was unusual about the Rambam’s discussion of redeeming a captive?
37.   According to the Mishna (and Rambam) what are the limitations in redeeming a captive?

38.   Which captive ordered that he not be redeemed?

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